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TOPs Eastside Tennis Center R.I.S.E. Campaign
R.I.S.E. stands for Renewel, Improvement and Space Expansion. TOPs Eastside Tennis Center is at a unique opportunity in its history. After our first successful decade, we renewed our lease with a long-term extension. With your help, we will transform this special place to reach its full potential with the R.I.S.E Capital Campaign.
6 new heaters installed to replace 4 old heaters
4 big fans installed to move warmer air down and also helps cool in summer
The new ETC standard singles court will be used 360+ days a year.
6 new heaters installed to replace 4 old heaters
R.I.S.E. planned improvements for better playing experience on court include:
Heating upgrade - replace 4 old heaters with 7 new heaters (project completed)
Installed 4 large fans to push warm air from heaters down and helps cool in summer months (project completed)
Adding insulation
Purchase 2 New Tennis Ball Machines and 1 New Pickleball Machine
Purchase electronic scoreboards
Better Playing Experience
An example of structure enclosure (although this example is of a doubles tennis court).
Every afternoon many teens sit on ETC waitlists instead of being active in our programs.
The new ETC standard singles court will be used 360+ days a year.
An example of structure enclosure (although this example is of a doubles tennis court).
R.I.S.E Plan - add one more standard indoor tennis next to court 1
Despite serving 2,500 unique students annually at TOPs locations, ETC has very large waiting lists daily for ages 8-18
One additional standard court adds 16% more capacity ETC for prime-time junior hours
Help us get more youth active in these important years and develop more self confidence and instill TOPs S.P.I.R.I.T values.
(insert junior participant quote)
More Court Space = More Youth Served
R.I.S.E. expands pickleball courts from 4 to 6 at ETC, opening up more play & learning opportunities for all ages
More courts allows TOPs to reach more youth with expanded junior pickleball programming.
R.I.S.E. expands pickleball courts from 4 to 6 at ETC, opening up more play & learning opportunities for all ages
R.I.S.E. plan - the newly added singles tennis court, will also be lined with two pickleball courts for a total of 6 pickleball courts in many hours of the day.
The office state sport of Washington is booming at ETC
We added a 4th court (court 13) last year.
All 4 current courts are busy throughout the day including pickleball classes, flights and public court rentals
Court expansion also allows for junior pickleball program expansion
(insert pickleball participant quote)
More Pickleball
Coach Rob and other ETC staff are excited for the potential of more adult tennis (especially evening) classes.
Huge success with adult programs with six courts. Imagine what ETC can do with a seventh.
Coach Rob and other ETC staff are excited for the potential of more adult tennis (especially evening) classes.
More Adult Tennis
R.I.S.E. Plan - with new indoor court add more evening and day adult classes
While junior tennis is our primary mission, ETC adult programming also has long daily waitlists.
All ETC adult evening classes generally fill in the first 10 minutes after registration opens.
Healthy communities are active communities.
(insert adult participant quote)
Imagine sitting upstairs with a nearby heater and overlooking the tennis and pickleball courts at a counter with plug-ins!
The large upstairs space, with the significant upgrades, has the potential for food/beverage as well as events/birthday parties,
Imagine sitting upstairs with a nearby heater and overlooking the tennis and pickleball courts at a counter with plug-ins!
Better Viewing & Community Spaces
R.I.S.E. plans - Upgrade and redesign ETC upstairs for viewing and new spaces overlooking the existing courts
Improve parent and other spectator viewing, including viewing counters for laptops
With completion of upstairs, and seated viewing not needed on court level, improved walking corridor between adult tennis courts and youth tennis/pickleball courts with additional curtains
R.I.S.E. Improvements also include main lobby improvements including:
flooring upgrade (removal of heavily worn carpeting)
electronic customer info boards/visual court schedules
Why Support R.I.S.E. at ETC?
Ways to Support R.I.S.E & FAQs
R.I.S.E. funding is coming from multiple sources. Your donations + company sponsors + grants + tenant improvement dollars from our lease renewal are being combined to transform this special facility that so many call home to reach its even greater potential. Thank you for your support and donations of all sizes!
Current Received & Committed Funding:
Total Estimated Funding to Complete All R.I.S.E Projects: