What is it?
Dynamic speakers and hands-on activities foster curiosity and compassion in TOPs kids. Topics explored center around the basics of healthy living, kindness to one another, and understanding the world around us.
Each program is followed by a complimentary meal, encouraging connection and community.
Upcoming in 2020
Adopt Juanita Elementary School - Bring new and gently used warm clothing for kids to Eastside Tennis Center
Easy Ways to Keep Our Earth Happy
Past Programs
Healthy Eating for Child Athletes * The ABC's of Yoga * Antibullying * Get Fit For Tennis * Managing Your Piggy Bank * CARE Compassion For Animals Respect For Everyone * Being Deaf in a Hearing World * We Care Kits For Homeless Youth * Adopt A School * Animal Predators Living Amongst Us * Mad Science * Learning How To Learn * Sports Psychology * Fire Safety